Monday 31 July 2017

How to make a writing desk in Mystcraft

The Writing Desk enables you to gather images from Descriptive Books as well as rename books. In addition to that, it additionally enables you to compose the Symbols you have discovered so far into a blank Descriptive Book, which you can use to create new Ages to your liking.


The Writing Desk is crafted using five wooden planks, one glass bottle and one feather:
Crafting GUI.png
Glass Bottle
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks
Writing Desk


The Writing Desk has one book space on the material on the left and one book opening left to the content field. The primary space is for a Notebook, which you should simply place and leave in the opening. When you put the note pad into the space, a page with all images you have found so far will open.
Writing table
The interface of the writing desk.
The second opening is the place you put Descriptive Books. On the off chance that you have just gone by the age the unmistakable book connects to, the written work area will naturally translate the images from the book into your scratch pad.
You can use the text field to rename the book - this works for Descriptive Books as well as for Linking Books.
On the off chance that you need to make your own particular age, you should specialty and place a Descriptive Book into the space on the privilege without having gone to the age it connects to - this is vital. You would then be able to browse the images you have gathered up until this point, just include them with a Left-click.
Keep in mind, however, that when you visit the age, the game will automatically add additional symbols if it thinks that some are missing - so you might end up with a void world or a flat world if you did not choose your symbols correctly.